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Frank Van de Meutter

Contact 0496 60 32 39


Herman Teirlinckgebouw, Havenlaan 88 bus 73
1000 Brussel

My research deals primarily with the functioning of estuarine ecosystems, with focus on the ecology of macrobenthic and hyperbenthic organisms and their role in the estuarine foodweb. All research is to some extent applied in nature and aims to better understand river management effects on biota and ecosystems as a whole (both monitoring and experimental research), and the benefits of the estuarine community to humans (ecosystem services). Research methods are accomodated to the research questions and include stable isotope research, standardized monitoring schemes, experimental field research with exclosures, laboratory experiments in climate rooms, etc... Additional research interests are entomology, mainly Diptera (focus on Syrphidae) and water bird ecology. 


ORCID ORCID logo 0000-0002-9850-1860
Teams Estuaries