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Frank Huysentruyt

Contact 0499 86 53 40


Herman Teirlinckgebouw, Havenlaan 88 bus 73
1000 Brussel

Frank Huysentruyt is a researcher at the Wildlife Management and Invasive Species group. He monitors the status and evolution of the European beaver in Flanders and conducts research into different types of management to help control damage and nuisance caused by beavers while simultaneously maximizing the positive effects of this species.

Within these various projects, there is collaboration with various other Flemish government institutions that deal with beavers, such as the Nature and Forest Agency (ANB), the Flemish Environment Agency (VMM) and De Vlaamse Waterweg nv (DVW). In specific cases, local authorities (provinces, municipalities, polder boards) also call on this research domain within INBO for assistance with coexistence with beavers.

When carrying out these types of research, ecological research techniques such as monitoring with camera traps, tracking and telemetric research are central. This data further translates into the development of spatial, temporal and population models, where the aim is always to use scenario analyses to help estimate the potential impact of management and protection measures and make adjustments where necessary.


ORCID ORCID logo 0000-0002-3071-9126
Teams Wildlife Management and Invasive Species